Richard Morgan

University of Bath ULO

5th year

Civil & Architectural Engineering

2 years of playing experience

The University of Bath have numerous competitive lacrosse teams, with two competing in the BUCS Southern Premiership. The university had an exciting 2022/2023 season, with a fantastic level of interest from freshers and returning players alike. Bath University Lacrosse prides itself not only on being hard-working and competitive on the pitch, but also providing a very close group of friends and a fantastic social network. Club members enjoy weekly themed socials, as well all-day socials twice a year. Players can be as involved in the sport and socials as much or as little as they like.

Alumni (Exiles)

Alongside its current student population, Bath has a thriving alumni (Exiles) network of ex-players, with students going on to play internationally in both Field and Box lacrosse and for clubs across the country. Bath also have a combined alumni and student touring team (Bathletes) which compete in tournaments in the UK and in Europe.

Bath Lacrosse Club (SEMLA/SWWL)

As a university, Bath share strong relations with their local SEMLA/SWWL club. The club second team also provides game experience for new freshers, whilst the first team is a great opportunity for more senior members to acquire additional game time.

In addition to playing for the local team, Bath Men’s players also compete in an annual derby against Bath Lacrosse Club, known as the John Harrop Cup. This provides a chance to get some game experience as a team, before embarking on the start of the BUCS season.

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